Cannabis News of Note for the Week:

Politico Pro Cannabis Newsletter for 1/5/24: SAFE Banking Update (paywalled newsletter, text below)

Marijuana Moment: Schumer Says Marijuana Banking Is Among Senate’s 2024 Priorities, But Acknowledges It ‘Won’t Be Easy’

Marijuana Moment: Credit Union CEO Calls On Congress To Pass Marijuana Banking Bill (Op-Ed)

Politico Pro Cannabis: Why fears about Biden’s marijuana moves are overblown

NPR: Biden expands pardons for marijuana possession and grants clemency to 11

Marijuana Moment: These Were The Biggest Federal And Congressional Marijuana Policy Developments Of 2023

Marijuana Moment: New Legalization Laws, Marijuana Sales Records And The Other Top State Developments Of 2023

Green Market Report: DEA Reminds Congress it has ‘Final Authority’ on Marijuana Rescheduling


Cannabis Reports of Note for the Week:

Scientists Published More Than 32,000 Marijuana Studies Over The Past 10 Years, Including Thousands In 2023, NORML Analysis Shows

Most Military Service Members, Veterans And Their Families Support Allowing VA Doctors To Recommend Marijuana And Psychedelics

High School Students Say Marijuana Is Harder To Access Following Legalization For Adults, Canadian Study Shows

Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, more important members of the House Financial Services Committee are leaving at the end of this year. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.), the chief architect of language in the cannabis banking bill that would prohibit banks from refusing to serve certain businesses like gun manufacturers, says he will not run for reelection.

Luetkemeyer is part of the hold-up on the Senate’s version of the cannabis banking bill. After the upper chamber issued a new version of the bill this past fall, Luetkemeyer immediately voiced his displeasure with changes to his language — saying it will not pass the House as it is written in the Senate.

In December, negotiations over the language were still ongoing. Luetkemeyer joins Financial Services Committee Chair Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) and Blumenauer as two House members involved in the future of the cannabis banking bill who will not be here come January 2025.