Cannabis News of Note for the Week:

Politico Pro Cannabis: Tuberville Still a ‘Yes’ on Cannabis Banking (paywalled newsletter, text below)

Marijuana Moment: What A New House Speaker Will Mean For Marijuana Reform, Including Banking

Cannabis Reports of Note for the Week:

DEA Report Shows Labs Are Testing ‘Significantly’ Less Seized Marijuana Amid The State Legalization Movement


Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) confirmed to POLITICO last year that he was a supporter of the cannabis banking bill, notching one more important Republican supporter of the bill. But after conservative groups in Alabama called on him to rescind his support of the bill, we decided to check in to see if his position changed.

Tuberville told Natalie last week that he is still very much a “yes” vote on the legislation, which could be heading to the floor following a successful markup vote last Wednesday.

When asked about his decision to not cosponsor the bill, as reported in September by NBC, Tuberville brushed that aside.

“That doesn’t make any difference, I’ve already told them I was gonna vote for it,” he told Natalie.